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Parashat Vayelech 5777

6 Tishrei  5777 פרשת  וַיֵּלֶךְ We are at a very important time of the year, the ten intermediary days between Rosh Hashanah or Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur.  We call these days Yamim Norayim, the awesome days or Yamim Teshuva, the days of returning to God. This parashah is very short but filled with meat […]

Parashat Nitzavim 5776

28 Elul  5776  פרשת נִצָּבִים, כ”ח אלול, תשע”ו This is the last portion before we start our High Holidays which is spiritually charged both positively and negatively for the Jewish people.  There is a heaviness that we feel for it the time when we do our checks and balances for the past year. Many businesses […]

Parashat Ki Tavo 5776

21 Elul 5776  פשרת כִּי-תָבוֹא, כ”א אלול תשע”ו I have often been asked who we are. The answer to this entails the various functions of the Messiah.  All the religions that descend from the Torah contain ideas about who he is and what they are expecting the Messiah to be.  At the time of Yeshua, […]